The World of The Rockers
Allies Enemies
Rants on the Past
Wrestler of the Week
Woman of the Week Match of the Week
Rockers In Radio Land
Rick's Rants
In Radio Land |
The hit radio show Rockers In Radio Land is once again hitting the
air waves! However, the show will not air until The Rockers are well
into the PWO rotation and have found there place among the other
wrestlers. PWO expects big things from this show which was one of
the top radio shows in the nation not too long ago. Matt Hardy had
the following to say about the return of this radio show.
"We're ready to go. It's as simple as that. Now, I don't want
anyone to be fooled here, wrestling is the number one priority. We
didn't sign with PWO to put on a great show. We signed with PWO to
kick some ass." Jeff was unavailable for comment. Apparently,
he was getting laid at the time. More on this story as it develops.
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